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The Craft of Emacs

Getting started

You’ll need to set up the coe‑xx sample code, the pair‑tree data structure visualizer and some useful Emacs Lisp utilities.

The following instructions are for vanilla Emacs and Doom on Mac OS or Linux. They can be paraphrased for other platforms with a bit of effort.

If you’re not sure what distribution you’re using, have a go at the standard “vanilla” Emacs setup.

Get the sample code for the cross stitch viewer from GitHub or download a zip file .

Extract the contents to a ~/coe‑xx directory.

Assuming you use use‑package, add the following lines to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el initialization file.


Get the sample code for the cross stitch viewer from GitHub or download a zip file .

Extract the contents to a ~/.doom.d/coe‑xx directory.

Add the following lines to your config.el file.


Add the pair‑tree data structure visualizer to your package.el file.


Re-sync Doom to install the package.